Wednesday 3 October 2012

AOL Email Hacking

Today I have been subjected to my online AOL email account being hacked. This happened within an hour of me shutting down my computer, then when I went to check my emails on my phone it wouldn't let me log in. So I went back on my computer and tried to log in to my account but the below message appeared..

I clicked on 'Change Password' and it said that 'It appears that your account has been cancelled'! As you can imagine I was really worried. I logged in to my Mum's AOL account and low and behold she had received an email from my account containing a 'link', it also became wise to me that this same email had been sent to all of my contacts! This link was a virus.

I rang AOL product customer services up immediately and was put through to an 'adviser' within 5 minutes. After explaining to her over and over again what had happened (I must of done this 10 times), she kept coming up with the excuse that I must have malicious software on my computer, (I haven't at all, I use Norton Internet Security & Norton Utilities and scan my computer on a regular basis), I must of been on the phone for a hour and still not got anywhere. I asked to speak to a manager and she then hung up the phone on me. Brilliant customer service. I rang up again 3 times and after waiting 30 minutes for them to answer the phone, I explained the situation, each time I was told the same thing and when I asked to speak to a manager I was hung up on. The 4th time of ringing I was severely pissed off! I was told that there was no record of my account and that there was nothing they could do about it. I'm severely appalled by their 'customer services' or then again LACK OFF! They did nothing to help me out what so ever, and they get bloody paid for that! Let alone my phone bill!!

I've been an AOL customer for over 12 years now, and if this is how they treat their most loyal customers then they should be ashamed! I run my business from my account, so I have lost valuable information as well as my contacts! Brilliant service AOL, brilliant!

I have now made a new account by myself, and now have the long job of trying to remember my contacts email addresses, and trying to recollect the valuable information that has been lost!

I really don't understand hackers' way of thinking, I mean what the hell do they get out of hacking into someone account? It's disgusting. And AOL, it seems, really couldn't give a damn!

Emma x 

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