Tuesday 26 February 2013


collection_hot_looks_show_off, technic_carnival, notd.

Hi guys!

I'll be honest, I'm not really one for wearing nail varnish on my nails, I've mentioned before that I get bored easily and find my self picking off the varnish after a day, resulting in damaged nails. I also always end up smudging them before they've fully dried. However I really like the look of this combo, I fancied brightening my outfit up from Winter colours, so bright nails give the perfect pop of colour.

collection_hot_looks_show_off, technic_carnival, notd.

For this combo, I used Collection's Hot Looks nail varnish in 'Show Off' and Technic's nail varnish in 'Carnival'. I love 'Carnival' as a top coat, it's full of beautiful chunky pieces, all different colours.

collection_hot_looks_show_off, technic_carnival, notd.

collection_hot_looks_show_off, technic_carnival, notd.

I tried to get a close up to show the beauty of 'Carnival', this is the best I could get, it doesn't really do it justice, I really need to invest in a new camera.

Have you tried and Technic nail varnishes?

1 comment:

  1. Awh the colours are so fun - totally reminds me of a carnival! ^-^
    -Emily xx
