Wednesday 30 January 2013

25 Facts About Me

Hi Everyone!

After being inspired by A Rosie Outlook, I decided to have a go at my own '25 Facts About Me'. I've had a post of '50 things I love' sat in my drafts for a couple of weeks, but I think 50 seems a little to long, although I might do another 25 next week sometime :).

So here goes..

1. I've lived in Derbyshire, in the same village all my life.

2. I've never been out of the UK, although I do want to travel to New Zealand and Australia.

3. I was born on 18th September 1991. Making me 21 years old.

4. I have a Cocker Spaniel dog called Gracey, she's absolutely crazy! :)

5. I love designing things on my computer. 

6. I get bored easily and always feel the need to change things, i.e. My blog layout, my bedroom etc.

7. I'm actually a very shy and anxious person.

8. I am forever on and off a diet, I can never stick to it.

9. My favourite bands are Oasis and The Arctic Monkeys.

10. My taste in music changes daily depending what mood I'm in. I love anything from Oasis to Greenday and Rihanna to Bonjovi.

11. I love anything shabby chic, I would decorate my entire house in 'East of India' things.

12. My favourite food is Chicken Chow Mein, I could honestly eat it every day! It's so yummy!

13. I went to see the Spice Girls in concert.

14. I went through a tomboy stage when I was younger, I still am to some extent. 

15. I don't own any skirts.

16. I love the colours black and white, burgandy and hot pink.

17. My favourite season is Spring, when everything's just starting to grow back and baby animals are being born. I love daffodils, they brighten everywhere up, the weather also starts warming up! I also love Autumn/Fall, I love seeing the leaves changing colour and warm cosy nights in with a hot chocolate.

18. Is my favourite number.

19. I love animals, especially dogs, I'd love to live in a farmhouse with loads of animals.

20. I'm terrified of needles and blood!

21. I love Pirates of the Caribbean.

22. I love nothing more than going to football matches with the lads, drinking pints and cheering on my team. I'm sure I should of been born male half the time!

23. I love Yorkshire Puddings! OMG Heaven!

23. I adore accents, I could sit listening to peoples accent all day.

24. I doodle when I'm bored or waiting for something/someone.

25. I love blogging, it gives me my own little place to go in to my own little world.

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