Thursday 24 January 2013

About Me Tag

Do you have a middle name?
Yes, I do. My middle name is Leea. It's pronounced as you would pronounce Leah, just spelt differently. I LOVE my middle name, it's unique! I wish my parents had named it as my first name. My Dad say's my middle name is named after a Derby County player.

What was your favourite subject at school?
I loved Art, Design and Technology, Geography and Food Technology (Cooking).

What's your favourite drink?
I am currently obsessed with Lucozade Pink Lemonade.

Favourite song at the moment?
My favourite changes all the time, depending what mood I'm in. Currently it's Rihanna - Stay.

What would you name your children?
I haven't really thought about that to be honest! I'd like them to have unique names though.

Do you participate in any sports?
I don't any more, I really need to get back in to them and get some of my weight off. I used to play football, netball, table tennis and hockey.

Favourite book?
I don't read as much as I probably should, I actually really enjoy reading. I've got Cheryl Cole's autobiography sat waiting to be read.

Favourite colour?
Black and white, hot pink, pastel colours, and I'm quite liking burgandy at the moment.

Favourite animal?
I am an animal lover! But dogs are my favourite.

Favourite perfume?
Naughty Alice by Vivienne Westwood - This is my all time favourite perfume but it's so expensive! 

Have you graduated high school?
Yes, thank goodness!

Have you ever been out of the country?
Nope, never.

Do you speak any other languages?
I can speak a bit of German, I studied German at school.

Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have a brother called Daniel, he's 10 years old. I did have an older brother, Gavin, but he died 3 years ago. I miss him terribly.

What's your favourite store?
New Look and Miss Selfridge. I love Primark for accessories, pj's, etc.

Favourite restaurant?
I couldn't pick a favourite to be honest.

Did you like school?
I hated it, not so much the lessons, but the people there made it kind of unbearable.

Favourite youtubers? 
I love Zoella, SprinkleOfGlitter, Miss Budget Beauty, Good Golly Miss Holly and SWalkerMakeUp

Favourite movie?
Too many!

Favourite TV Show?
I don't watch much television, but I always have to get my daily fix of Hollyoaks!

PC or Mac?
Well, I've only once used a Mac, so I'd have to go for PC.

What phone do you have?
I have a Samsung Galaxy Ace.

How tall are you?
5ft 6in ish..

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