Monday 21 January 2013

Snow Week

snow derbyshire

Hello girls :)

You may have noticed a few changes happening around here the past couple of days. I have a new blog design and layout! I got bored of my old one and decided that I would have a go at making my own header.

What do you think of it?

I'm quite impressed with it, for a first go anyway. I might ditch the whole black and white swirly bit at the top though, not sure. It matches my self made business cards :). I used to make headers on Bebo 'back in the day' haha, so used some knowledge off of that. 

Does anyone still use Bebo?

I had a look a my old account on there, seriously really don't know what went through my head with the stuff I have on there. Safe to say, cringe worthy of the highest order!

I've also added two new pages on here, 'About Me' and 'Dislaimer & PR', check them out if you wish :), just something a bit extra to get to know the girl behind this blog :).

snow derbyshire

We had our first lot of snow on Thursday. I don't mind snow, but the ice that comes afterwards really terrifies me! I went to Tesco's Thursday tea-time with my Mum, and oh my gosh you would think it was Christmas all over again, there was literally NOTHING left on the shelves at all. People had gone absolutely mad panic buying. Mum taught me to knit Thursday night, well attempted to. I can honestly say that we have never laughed so much in all our lives!

snow derbyshire

I stayed in Friday, I blitzed the house (not quite managed to clean my room as of yet, something to do tomorrow), and caught up on the ironing, boring! I went out into the garden and took some pictures, one good thing about the snow and frost is that everything seems to look a whole lot prettier! (You can see them throughout this post). My dog, Gracey, loves the snow, I'm sure it sends her hyper. She loves running around in it and burying her head in it, and not to mention eating it! I then snuggled up on the sofa in my pjs and watched DVD's all night.

snow derbyshire

snow derbyshire

Saturday, was football day! None better than Derby County versus our local rivals Nottingham Forest. It was actually touch and go whether the match would actually be on because of the snow, but thankfully the staff cleared and gritted around the stadium all through the night, so the match was most certainly on! Having a 1pm kickoff, there wasn't much time to spare, I was absolutely buzzing. Nothing gives you a buzz like a local Derby day, and you could certainly tell around Derby who we were up against. Everyone was feeling the same excitement and anxiousness. It ended in a 1-1 draw, which to be honest I thought was fair. Derby,  in my eyes were poor, and if it had been against any other team we would of been 6-0 down. There didn't seem to be any fire in the bellies of the players, which is what the Derbies are all about, who's going to come out top dog. 

snow derbyshire

snow derbyshire

Sunday, it started snowing again, I didn't really do much in all honesty, well nothing interesting that I can recall.

snow derbyshire

Today, Monday, it snowed heavily throughout the night so we were left to wake up to a rather increased blanket of the white stuff. The roads around hadn't been gritted, so looked like another day stuck in being bored. The snows really starting to get on my nerves now, or more the fact that I am terrified of the ice. And my gosh it has become icy around here!

snow derbyshire

snow derbyshire

snow derbyshire

Anyway I'm off to watch corro! How evil is that Kirstie? I hope everyone finds out what she's really like!

What have you been up to? Have you been hit with the snow where you are?

1 comment:

  1. woww.. very nice pictures!!
    i really enjoyed read your blog, dear =)
    keep blogging ^^

    visit my fashion blog sometimes..
