Monday 7 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. 
- Brad Paisley.

Hello everyone! Just a short and sweet post. First of all I hope that everyone had an amazing Christmas and I would like to wish you all A Happy New Year! 

I know that my blog has been lacking in posts for the last couple of months, but I guess life has just taken over. I'm hoping to post more frequently now and have a few posts lined up for the next coming weeks. 

I'm also looking at starting a weightloss regime and to start eating a lot healthier, so you can expect lots of new recipes of yummy food that I'm going to be creating. 

I've been trying to use up all my beauty and make-up products before buying new ones, so far so good! 

I started a new job for Christmas, just temporary for the festive season, but non the less I loved every minute of it and it has given me new found confidence. 

I've been extremely busy making cupcakes too, one night I was up until 3:30am making them! Posts to come soon. 

Gracey, not feeling the festive spirit! Bah Humbug!

What did you do for the New Year? Do you have any New Year resolutions?


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