Wednesday 8 May 2013

A Summers Day

Hi Everyone :)

We've been blessed here in England with a gorgeous, sunny bank holiday weekend, and although we're expecting a few rain showers the next couple of days, I'm hoping that the sunshine is a sign to come.

I spent most of my bank holiday in the garden, clearing up the plant borders and planting seeds in my greenhouse. My Mum and I have also dug out a vegetable patch this year with hope of growing our own veggies! 

We have currently sown peas, beetroot, cabbages and potatoes, and have grown seedlings of onions and kidney beans which will be transported outside within the next couple of weeks. Every year we grow tomatoes in our greenhouse, so I'm hoping for a bumper crop this year. I just love home grown greenhouse tomatoes, so much tastier than shop bought ones.

We have four fruit trees in our garden, apple, cherry, pear and plum, which are now filling out with blossom. We've had our plum tree for a number of years and it always provides us with a good crop of plums, however with the late snow last year it wasn't able to be pollinated by bees so it didn't grow any fruit. I hope we've seen the last of the snow and frost! Our apple, cherry and pear trees are new additions to our garden, but so far they are looking promising.

Although we have a fairly large garden, we have only three raised beds/borders of flowers. I love Spring/early Summer, just as everything is starting to come back to life in the garden, all the bright colours are developing from the dark and dismal winter months. It really makes me feel happier.

At the minute I don't feel as though the bottom of the garden ties in with the top, I'm looking for a way to tie them together but I'm not yet sure what that is. Maybe adding some stepping stones would help? I like the way that they look, they kind of bring something extra to the garden. I also think the gnomes in the above picture could do with a bit of a paint job, maybe they'd set the garden off.

In this border we have settled on blue, yellow and white flowers, I think that the contrast each other beautifully and brighten up the bottom of the garden.

I don't know if it is just in Derbyshire, but the amount of dandelions and daisies this year is crazy! Where have all them come from. Of course my dog, Gracey had to get in on the action, she's such a little poser!

What have you been up to this Bank Holiday?


  1. Hi Emma, pleased to meet you! your garden is lovely and it's great that you are growing so much. I just love that picture of Gracey! best picture I've seen this week! Thank you for the Leibster award! I might pass on tagging forward, i hope you don't mind too much. So many different things happening already! have a good weekend, hope the sun comes out, Heather x

  2. You have such a cute dog !!!
